Jan 02
Jan 02
Problem – Nowadays we have thousands APIs and thousands mashups. For creating great and comprehensive application we need to deal at least with several third party APIs or web services.Let’s say we have fly tickets booking application. This application consist of Facebook and Twitter authentication, it has connection with TravelPort API for getting flights, payment is done through PayPal and Application must be integrated with some accountant system and have nice looking emails using MailChimp. To implement such application we need deal with 6 third party components. To prepare such system for going live we need develop it, test it. It requires a lot of time and money to complete such business workflow. Solution – Have a marketplace where you can select components which have connections between each other. In such environment you can create your own business workflow and have fully functioning system. You can start test the system immediately through admin dashboard. The customer gets builded application templates for most popular platforms (IOS, Android, Html). He can adjust layout and add brand specific information. The client gets clear instructions how to monitor application, manage users and change settings to get best return from FormSchema. FormSchema is SAAS (Software As A Service) solution where the customer gets database, admin dashboard and working solution.